Regain your hormone health and discover what healthy really means for you

I can help you feel safe enough to nourish your body in the right way so that you can regain your health and your period

Regain your hormone health and discover what healthy really means for you

I can help you feel safe enough to nourish your body in the right way so that you can regain your health and your period

Take the quiz

Find out what may be keeping you from hormone health, reaching your full potential and living your best life.

About Me

My mission is to provide a safe space for women to re-learn what their bodies need to thrive, using an evidence-based personalised approach to health that will last for life.

For years I felt isolated, emotionally drained and confused about how to regain my health and my missing period. But I did it and you can too with the right support.

Along the way, I became a registered nutritionist and I now specialise in helping women get back in touch with their bodies, restore their hormone health and regain their periods.

In a world where women’s hormones are disrupted by everything from stress and toxins to fad diets and contraceptives, I’m committed to teaching women how to reclaim their health as naturally and sustainably as possible.


  You’re in the right place if:

You feel drained of energy, wired or overwhelmed

Your periods are missing in action

You are experiencing other health issues that are disrupting your life

You are confused about what your body needs to reset and rebalance

 Feel safe in your body again

Get back in touch with your body and learn how to eat, move, work and live in ways that were designed for your unique biochemistry.



Food is vital information – not just calories or fuel. When, how and even why you eat matters. Knowing what nutrients and foods support your life and work demands, physiology and hormones can help you make informed and intuitive choices which your body will love.



Switch your body back into safe mode, so you can rebalance your energy, hormones and stress response. Understand how to replenish your mind and body so that you can become stronger and more resilient than ever before.



Your physiology, hormones and life load play a huge role in which activities will work for you right now. Find out what types of movement, times of day and volumes of exercise may be more suitable for your body, so that you can recover your energy, health and cycle.



Tune in to the biological rhythms that underpin your physiology. Discover simple ways to adapt your activities, nutrition and lifestyle to your biochemical cycles for long term and sustainable energy, health and hormone balance.

 What past clients have said

As featured in


Follow along on Instagram @hollydunnnutrition